Saturday, March 16, 2013

Real Estate Broker's Exam 2013

Hello Blog,

Yes, it’s been a while… If you think that the tone that I’ve set for this entry is anxious, it’s because I am… Tomorrow, March 17, 2013, by the time a random daytime reader from my side of the world gets to read this, I’m already well on my way in taking my exams for my broker’s license…

Now, you might be wondering, why get so worked up over an exam that will be awarded by a license, a small piece of paper, to be exact? For the uninitiated, yes, it’s just a small piece of paper indeed. I can still sell real estate; provide advice to my clients and whatnots without it. But looking beyond that piece of paper, getting that license opens the doors to a world of opportunities; life as an independent broker, a possible promotion within a real estate company, even a profession in teaching is open.

And also, why be in a profession wherein everyday, you face rejection from people (clients) almost 90% of the time?

Kidding aside, for some, it’s all about the bragging rights. Others just want an option that, while it’s not necessary for them, is a welcome option nonetheless. For others, it is a gateway to better things. You can say that I fall into the third category. To be honest, I feel pressured because, while I’m definitely not the dumbest person around, I’m not the sharpest tool in the tool rack either. I humbly acknowledge that the licensure exam that I’m about to take is something that I should have done a long time ago – last year, 2012, to be exact. At around this time last year, instead of attending to my broker’s license, I attended to other matters that I thought, at least back then, were good ideas. Fortunately or unfortunately, my ventures into other matters didn’t take-off properly. I can’t really say that it was an unfortunate turn of events; I found out what I really love doing the most – where I’m really happy - even if I found it out the hard and costly way.

Hence, my anxiousness. True, I’ve studied and reviewed. But I still feel… inadequate… The last “big” exam(s) that I took on which was on a national level so to speak were the college entrance exams... And that was more than a decade ago… Honestly, I have this feeling to just back out and take the exams the following year… But I just can’t do that… For obvious reasons and for some not so obvious reasons that I rather divulge to you at a later time…

And so blog, I lay down my virtual pen for now; I need to get my sleep and be well-rested. Hopefully, the next time I write you another entry, it’s a good result that I can share you.


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