Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hello Again Dear Blog

Hello again my dear blog.

I'm back. Why you might ask? And in now instead of multiply? Well dear blog, as you may have heard, multiply's about to close down as a social networking/ blog site. And since I consider my blog to be my diary of sorts of almost everything that happened to me in the past, I think its appropriate to save it, if only to be able to let me review the past so that I may not be able to repeat the mistakes that I did... and also to have a good chuckle or two at my silliness back in the day.

Don't worry blog, I'll still put in my entries from time to time but with none of the emo stuff that I'm pretty sure bled your virtual ears back then haha.

Anyway, I'll be seeing you around here in  your new address and I look forward to sharing to you a lot of good times this time around.

Until then buddy.