Sunday, September 16, 2007

Midnight Rage: Dark Prince

Midnight. Countless citylights. Speeding down the highway with my new steed, the vehicles that I onced weaved through are now making way for me, finally aware of my presence. An smile manifested itself on my face as I was happily getting a feel of things. My new ride is way different - and better - from the last one. It's blistering acceleration puts the devil to shame. It's handling is superb; very responsive and light to the touch. And it has a shiny black color that exhibits sophistication and authority. I have never felt so new in my life.

Flooring the accelerator, my mind flashed back to the time I was tuning this newfound treasure with the help of a friend:

The mechanic, tinkered on the engine block. Working under the hood of the car, I marveled at his skill as he worked his magic on my new mount while he gave me his two cents worth on what happened to me in the past.

"It's a good thing you found this new ride of yours. Your last ride had superb acceleration but it was lacking in top speed. It was rather sluggish, heavy and friendly. Just like you. You were too kind. You thought of others too much. You let them weigh you down. It's time to think for yourself. Leave everyone in the dust. Reach for your goals and dreams alone. Don't you ever let anyone take them away from you. Don't you share it with anyone ever again. Let other people come to you. Your crybaby days are over. It is now you who makes other people cry. You are no longer the Red Knight. You can no longer return to being the Red Knight."

Ending my flashback, I saw a familiar white car up ahead. This wouId be the ideal place to start. I flashed my lights to signal a  challenge, even as I closed the gap between us at an alarming rate. I knew the white car's rider was surprised. I did not wait for a response.

You only know of the sweet life and nothing else. You don't know pain as much as you claim to. Allow me to demonstrate it to you once and for all.

I blew past her, giving her little time to recover. And in my rear-view mirror, I saw that she crashed into the guard rails of the highway. In the midst of the smoking wreckage of her car, I saw her. She was crying once again. I can remember her telling me that she still wants to remain friends with me. But when I asked her about it, she made no effort to reply. I realized that I'm not important to her as she would like me to think.

My heart was berating me, raging against me and at what I had done. My conscience tried to kill me. But it no doubt felt good to finally release the evil inside me. To cause pain rather than to just take it and roll with it. And as I roared down the highway alone, rain began to pour from the midnight sky as if to cry. I couldn't care less - even as the heavens, my conscience and my heart are crying. My friend was right. I can no longer be the kind, chivalric and gentle Red Knight.

The Red Knight is dead. The Dark Prince has been born.

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