Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Prototype

I've posted in a number of previous blog entries of my rather strained relationship with my dad. Lately, I've come to appreciate the words of wisdom coming from him and his myriad of experiences. Granted that some of his advice may not be up to date as he would like it to be, it certainly gives me a different perspective to a certain situation.

As far dealing with other people are concerned, I'm slowly starting to see that in a way, I do have quite a number of similarities to my dad. Aside from being serious, which seems to be a trademark among the men of the Rios family, I've noticed that my dad seems to have a wry and dry sense of humor and a witty streak as well. Obviously, this only surfaces when my dad is with his buddies or his cousins. True to the adage "Like father, like son", I also carry a wry and dry sense of humor, and a witty yet sarcastic streak. When giving advice, he tends to be a bit too frank... which I realize that I too also tend to be a bit too frank and up front...

Of course, my dad and I are still two different persons in spite of our similarities. Being an engineering graduate, my dad is quite adept in math even on his age. I always find myself wondering how the hell was he able to compute a rather large number so quickly and accurately when his mind is supposed to have slowed down at his age of 65. I'm sure that you, dear reader, can imagine that I'm not too fond of math. Where he demands accuracy, I tend to be a bit more lenient.

Who I am today, aside from being molded by my various experiences, I also got a good chunk of it from my dad. In a sense, you could say that he is my prototype.


  1. aren't we all (in one way or another)?!

  2. That's true though quite a number of people would deny it.
