Thursday, April 22, 2010


Another LSGH batchmate of mine has been called by God and is now resting peacefully by his side. While I'm not really that close to this said batchmate of mine, the guy was a familiar face to me and vice-versa. While the details are still sketchy, its been reported that the guy died in his sleep. Considering that its been a decade since we left the warm and familiar grounds of our LSGH campus, quite a number of people from my batch (along with a couple of our former professors) had passed away.

It is quite ironic that back in the day when we were still studying at LSGH, me and many of my batchmates had always believed that there is always another day. Even for the most pessimistic in our batch, many of us had always thought that there is always tomorrow. That life will stay the same the very next day that we wake up. That we will always see the same familiar faces day-in and day-out. In a sense, we might have believed that we were immortals - forever young, immune to the harshness and realities of life. That death is just a word, a figment of our imagination. To be honest, there were already a few deaths among our batch while we were still in LSGH. But for the most part, many of us may have thought that it was just a fluke, a mistake that none of us had a hand in doing but still permanent nonetheless.

Its news like these that makes you appreciate what you have with your life right now. That you have to make the most in life and not live with regrets, hate, anger and whatsoever. These kinds of news also makes you wonder what have you done and what legacy will you be leaving behind when your time finally comes.

To Bernard Cabading, my batchmate from LSGH, you're in a better place now. Many could only envy the manner of your death as it was so peaceful you may not have even noticed it. That you might have actually woke up beside the Lord the second death took you in your sleep. You're now with our other batchmates who had gone ahead of us. In a sense, you guys up there are now immortals in your own rights, just as many of us had thought of ourselves during the idiocy of our youth, in the hallowed grounds of LSGH.


  1. Oh, shit. Condolences. What was the cause of death? @_@

  2. According to his closest buddies, he died in his sleep. He had no illness or whatsoever at the time. It was as peaceful and simple as that.

  3. Oh, man. Di ata pwde yun. Cuz that means it can happen to ANYONE! Walang heart defect or whatever?

  4. Reportedly none. At this time, there's still no official statement from the guy's family and closest buddies. All they know was that he died in his sleep.
