Sunday, October 6, 2013

A New Stage

Hello blog.

Yes, its been a while... Seven months since we last talked right? My bad. To be honest, things have been quite hectic during those seven months.

Remember the last time we talked dear blog? Wherein I told you that I am anxious as hell over my upcoming broker's exam? Well, by some good fortune, God's will, having the favor of Lady Luck or the Giant Pumpkin, I was able to pass the said examination and I finally have my broker's license as well. The timing couldn't have been better as you'll see later on...

Next up, I got involved in a music band for a company event. Let's just say that my "long-forgotten" skills for playing the piano/keyboard suddenly showed up though I humbly admit that I could've performed better or contributed to a better performance had I continued my practice through the years. Yet, I found the experience enlightening. It made me grasp once again who I was or realize that I don't have to be identified mostly with my job/work. That I can still be all the things that I gave up long ago in the name of a bigger paycheck. That and I've made closer ties as well with the people who were my bandmates for that brief period in time. 

And lastly, I've finally started my career as an independent Real Estate Broker. I am finally fulfilling the purpose as to why I've passed the broker's exam. It was an irritating and frustrating experience to know that you have a lot of clients who are in need of your help as a property consultant but you can't do much because you're contract-bound to only provide a certain set of properties or developments while watching the client (and potential sale/profit) go away.

And yet, I also humbly admit my shortcoming(s). To be able to function as a property consultant, you have to con your clients a bit. It can't be helped. It's part of the sales environment as well as working exclusively with a single company or developer. I myself, I'm not that kind of professional. My "selling style" so to speak, is that I am the consultant - no, I am a consultant. When people come to me asking for help, advice or recommendations, I provide the right solutions for them based on their requirements. Even if I am capable of conning my client, it's not in me to do so.

I'm actually having a mix of emotions right now. On the one hand, I'm both excited and terrified of the idea of finally going off on my own. Excited because I'm finally realizing a dream that I had denied myself for a very long time now. Terrified because, it's my first time to venture out alone. On the other hand, resigning and leaving my previous company, Alveo, is a bittersweet experience. While my sales performance was not up to par, the experiences that I went through along with the people who I interacted with made me grow into a better person. As a comparison, SMDC gave me a taste of how it is to be successful professionally. Alveo gave me personal growth as to how I should talk to people, interact with them and to ultimately build relationships with them.

I admit, I miss Alveo. I miss the people, my friends who have become my family for the last twelve months. But it's time to step onto a new stage. Back in SMDC, it was rather easy for me to say good-bye to that company because of a single bad experience. As for Alveo, in spite of my professional frustrations at not being able to perform properly, the people who I were with made it bearable in the sense that for the first time in my professional life, I rarely felt depressed. It made my decision to leave a tough one. Still, it's time to move on to a new phase. To what I think (based on whatever signs I saw relating to this) is my true calling.

And so, my dear blog, I close this entry with the hope that the next time I talk to you again, I bring you another set of good news.
