Hello there blog. Here I am for my mandatory blog entry for this year's Lenten period. Come to think of it, this is also a long-delayed update.. It's been almost a year since I last posted something worth reading here. Yes, I know. I missed out on a lot: my birthday, Christmas, New Year, Valentine's and a whole lot more. Then again, I have to be honest with you blog.
Looks like the time has come for me to finally outgrow you as I slowly but surely grow out of the confines of my own personal shell.
Looking back at all of the posts that I've done before, it somehow makes me feel old, remark at how I was able to maintain a personal blog this long when almost everyone else had stopped and decided to join in the fad of twitter and the likes. Sometimes, seeing certain posts of mine in this blog makes me cringe at the thought that I was that pathetic back in the day... I guess its what some people would call growing pains.
I can't say that I'll stop blogging. Like the racing game that I still play from time to time for enjoyment, blogging is still in my blood so to speak. But the way that I used to write, those emotion-filled writing nights (may they be happy or sad), I must confess to say that I no longer have that "urge" for the lack of a better term.
Now, you might be wonder blog what's keeping me busy lately. Busy from encoding here certain facets of my life and whatnots. It's simple. I'm now busy making my dreams - all of them - a reality. Whereas before I write them down here, along with my joys and frustrations, I now take the time to make them happen. For some of my own personal goals, I've set a deadline with which I should've attained them by then. What are they, you might ask? I'll just keep them to myself my dear little blog. I'd rather surprise you along with whoever are the people left out there who are still reading this blog of mine. Mark your calendar blog. August 2012. My next entry after this will just be a simple update of what I've achieved so far this year. Gone were the days that I write here, hoping that the coming days, weeks and months of the year will be better for me. Yes, I still hope. But now I also chase my dreams. I can finally honestly say to myself that I've finally broken out of that rotten personal perspective that I can't get a good break. This is the year that I start making things happen.
So please pardon me dear blog that I won't be able to catch up with you as often as I used to. At the very least, majority (if not all) of what you'll be hearing (or reading) from me will be mostly positive things instead of the emotional-laden items that I peppered you with for the last five years.